Please carefully read these general terms and conditions of sale and use for the website ("Website"). This document contains important information about the user's rights and obligations. The products available on the website are sold by Calzificio Argopi S.r.l. ("Seller"). The Seller may update these terms and conditions of sale and use, and the privacy policies, at any time and without prior notice. When placing an order through the Website, the user must accept the terms and conditions of sale and use and the privacy policies in effect at the time of order placement.


1.1 Products sold on can only be purchased and delivered to countries listed in the order form.

1.2 Offers on products and prices are valid based on availability. When placing the order, all information about product availability is provided; if a product is unavailable after ordering, the user will be promptly notified, making it possible to order another product from the website or cancel the order. In the event of cancellation, a refund will be processed immediately.

1.3 The Seller cannot be held responsible for warehouse unavailability or product shortages.

1.4 The Seller reserves the right to change, at any time and without notice, the products offered on this website.


2.1 All orders require written acceptance by the Seller and will therefore be confirmed by email.

2.2 Before finalizing the order, you will be asked to confirm that you have read the general sales conditions, including information about the right of withdrawal and the processing of personal data.

2.3 The order confirmation by the Seller and these sales terms and conditions are considered the final and concluded agreement between the Seller and the user concerning the points contained in these terms and conditions.

2.4 The order cannot undergo corrections or cancellations, except in cases provided herein or in accordance with applicable legislation.

2.5 The data recorded by the Website is evidence of the entire transaction that took place between the Seller and the customer. In case of a dispute between the Seller and a customer regarding a transaction made on the Website, the data recorded by the Website will be considered irrefutable evidence of the transaction and its content.


3.1 All prices displayed on the website and in the order are in EURO and include VAT.

3.2 The Seller reserves the right to change product prices at any time and without any notice to the user, who will be charged the prices displayed on the Website at the time of order confirmation.


4.1 For the payment of product prices and related shipping and delivery costs, the methods indicated in the order form can be used, summarized as follows:

4.1.1 PayPal (PayPal Account or credit/debit cards accepted by the PayPal system)

4.1.2 Bank transfer addressed to “Calzificio Argopi Srl” using the following bank details:

Credito Padano Banca di Credito Cooperativo s.c.

Branch: Castel Goffredo

IBAN: IT 69 I 08454 57550 0000 0000 2785


5.1 Products will be shipped via a courier chosen by the Seller to the shipping address specified during the ordering process. The company is not responsible for orders not delivered to the correct address due to address changes.

5.2 Shipping costs vary based on the shipping region/country.

5.3 Delivery dates are for reference only.

5.4 The Seller cannot be held responsible for direct, indirect, accidental, consequential, or other types of damages due to incomplete order information or delays/errors in order placement or delivery delays. If a proven non-delivery is attributable to the Seller, the user will only have the right to request either the delivery of the same product without additional costs or a refund of the purchase price.

5.5 Upon receipt, it is essential to check the package's integrity when delivered by the courier. If there are any discrepancies (e.g., open packaging, damaged items, etc.), they must be noted explicitly by the courier, and the delivery should be rejected. Otherwise, the user will forfeit their rights in this regard.


6.1 This right (pursuant to and in accordance with the Legislative Decree of September 6, 2005, n. 206 "Consumer Code") can only be exercised if the customer is a Consumer (defined as any individual who acts on the site for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial or professional activity carried out) and consists of the ability to return the purchased product to the supplier without any penalty and without specifying the reason, and consequently receive a refund of the purchase price.


7.1 The Seller shall not be held responsible in any case for special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages of any kind arising from defects or failures of the products, breach of any express or implied warranty, breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict product liability, or otherwise, even if the seller has been informed of the possibility of such damages. As some jurisdictions prohibit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the aforementioned limitation may not apply to the specific user.

7.2 Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the total liability of the Seller related to or associated with the Products, whether by contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict product liability, or otherwise, shall never exceed the actual amount paid by the user for the products originating such liability.


The Seller shall not be held responsible for any damage due to delays in product deliveries or for not immediately notifying of such delays, where such delay is due to force majeure, acts of the buyer, acts by civil or military authorities, wars, riots, organized labor actions, unavailability of materials, and other causes beyond the reasonable control of the company. The expected delivery date will be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost due to the justified delay provided for in this provision.


Information on how your personal data is processed can be obtained by accessing our Privacy Policy section.


10.1 The Website, including any information and materials contained therein, is the exclusive property of the Seller. Any total or partial reproduction by any means (except as explicitly provided herein) as well as any distribution, publication, transmission, modification, or sale of information and materials contained on the Website, is expressly prohibited.

10.2 It is not possible to remove or alter any copyright, trademark, or other property notice contained on the Website or its content. You can access or view the content of the Website on a computer or other device, and you can make a single copy of the web pages published on the website for private, personal, and non-commercial use, provided that all copyright notices and other protective conditions contained on the site are present on each copy of such web pages.


The Website may contain links to third-party websites not directly used or controlled by the manufacturer or seller. Such links are provided as a supplement and cannot be interpreted as an express or implied commitment to such third-party-managed websites or the products or services offered by them. The user acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible for the information, content, products, services, advertising, codes, or other materials that may or may not be provided through such third-party websites. A link to the Website can only be provided where expressly authorized in writing by the manufacturer.


The Seller will not be held liable to users or other third parties for any direct, accidental, special, or consequential damages, including, without limitation, loss of products or other intangible losses arising from or related to the use or inability to use the website, even if the company has provided information about the possibility of such damages.


13.1 The Seller does not guarantee or represent that the Website is free of viruses or other harmful materials, or that the information contained on the website is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.

13.2 There is no guarantee that the Website or the services, content, functions, or materials provided through the Website will be timely, secure, uninterrupted, or error-free, or that such defects can be corrected.

13.3 The Website and its content are provided as they are presented and are available. The Seller cannot issue any warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the website.


This agreement, including the "terms and conditions of sale" and the "terms and conditions of use of the Website," is governed by Italian law, regardless of any conflicts or choice of legal provisions. The user acknowledges and agrees that Italy is the chosen place for any disputes and that the courts located in Italy will have jurisdiction over this agreement and the user.